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The Role of Employee Voice in Improving Organizational Decision-Making: A Study of Lafarge Cement in Kwara State

  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style:
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  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study

Employee voice, the ability of employees to express opinions, ideas, and concerns, is critical for fostering a participative and innovative workplace. It improves organizational decision-making by incorporating diverse perspectives and enhancing employee commitment (Robbins & Judge, 2023). In the cement manufacturing industry, Lafarge Cement in Kwara State depends on effective decision-making to navigate operational challenges and remain competitive.

However, organizational hierarchies and communication barriers often limit employee voice, affecting decision-making and employee satisfaction. Understanding how employee voice contributes to decision-making is essential for enhancing organizational outcomes (Bello et al., 2024).

Statement of the Problem

Despite its significance, employee voice at Lafarge Cement in Kwara State is hindered by factors such as lack of communication channels, fear of retaliation, and management's reluctance to consider employee input. These issues compromise decision-making processes and overall organizational efficiency (Adamu & Musa, 2025).

This study explores the role of employee voice in improving organizational decision-making and identifies strategies for fostering a participative work environment.

Objectives of the Study

  1. To assess the current state of employee voice at Lafarge Cement in Kwara State.
  2. To evaluate the impact of employee voice on organizational decision-making.
  3. To propose strategies for enhancing employee voice to improve decision-making.

Research Questions

  1. What is the current state of employee voice at Lafarge Cement in Kwara State?
  2. How does employee voice impact organizational decision-making?
  3. What strategies can improve employee voice and decision-making?

Research Hypotheses

  1. Employee voice does not significantly influence organizational decision-making.
  2. Employee satisfaction is not significantly affected by the inclusiveness of decision-making processes.
  3. Proposed strategies do not significantly enhance employee voice and decision-making.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focuses on Lafarge Cement in Kwara State, examining the role of employee voice in decision-making. It excludes non-manufacturing sectors and unrelated HR dynamics. Time constraints and access to managerial data may limit the study.

Definitions of Terms

  • Employee Voice: The ability of employees to express their opinions and ideas in the workplace.
  • Organizational Decision-Making: Processes through which organizations make strategic and operational decisions.
  • Lafarge Cement: A leading cement manufacturing company in Nigeria.

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